Who We Are

Support Foundation

Established in 1989, the Hope Haven Support Foundation was created with the purpose of ensuring the future for Hope Haven and the children and adults served.

The Support Foundation Directly Supports:

Client Scholarships

(Adult Services, Children’s Services)
Short-term intervention that offers stability and uninterrupted program services to clients served by Hope Haven whose funding for services has been reduced or cut.

Religious Services

Assistance in connecting those served with local churches, personal spiritual support, individual and small group bible studies, and more.

Spiritual Retreats

These gatherings occur both locally and internationally. Locally, individuals with disabilities participate in activities that engage them in spiritual learning and are a time of respite and fun! Internationally these retreats serve individuals in wheelchairs and bless family members with respite, encouragement, and caretaker training.

Hope Haven International Ministries

Providing wheelchairs to individuals in desperate need of mobility worldwide. Thanks to seating professionals, each wheelchair is appropriate for the recipient's needs.

Hope Haven Buildings

Helps to finance and/or renovates houses in order to offer a home with greater independence to adults with disabilities across the region.

Ways to Contribute

There are a variety of opportunities for you to contribute:

Planned Giving

There are many opportunities for giving, both long and short term.

Fundraising Events

There a variety of events throughout the year that you can attend or support.

Gifts & Donations

Support directly impacts our local and international service programs.

When you give to the Hope Haven Support Foundation, you are directly impacting the lives of the people we serve, locally and around the world.

Support Foundation Partnerships

Barnabas Foundation

Hope Haven is a regional member of the Barnabas Foundation. The Barnabas Foundation is a notfor-profit, tax-exempt charitable corporation formed in 1976. Its sole purpose is to help Christian individuals and families exercise thoughtful stewardship in a wide variety of ways by careful Will preparation and tax-wise estate planning. They come alongside individuals to help them make important decisions for their family and the Christian organizations they want to support in an atmosphere of complete confidence and trust. If you’d like to utilize the Barnabas Foundation to help secure your own future, contact Hope Haven to find out who the Barnabas Representative is in your area.


Leave a Legacy

Hope Haven is a member of the Leave a Legacy program in Siouxland. Leave a Legacy is a community-based program to help people learn about charitable giving through a will or from an estate plan. Leave a Legacy does NOT solicit gifts for any particular organization. Instead, the program is a cooperative effort of all types of nonprofit groups including social service and arts organizations, churches, hospitals, educational institutions and other philanthropic groups. The Leave a Legacy program in this area can direct people to resources that will help them fulfill their charitable goals.



Hope Haven partners with Crescendo Interactive to assist in facilitating Giving Opportunities and marketing resources. Crescendo Interactive is the largest provider of planned giving solutions. Founded in 1984, Crescendo has grown to over 9,000+ client licenses and is now the preferred planned giving web provider hosting over 1,000 websites nationwide. As a single vendor solution, Crescendo’s products are supported by a staff of in-house technical, legal, design, marketing and multimedia specialists to meet an agency’s planned giving needs.


Evangelical Council on Financial Accountability

Hope Haven is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). It has been highly commended by the ECFA for many years. Hope Haven is proud to be upheld to the standards established by ECFA and is held accountable for the highest level of stewardship. Additionally, Hope Haven has annual audits to ensure professionalism and integrity.

ECFA is an accreditation agency dedicated to helping Christian ministries earn the public’s trust through outstanding stewardship. Founded in 1979, ECFA provides accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, fund-raising and board governance. Members include Christian ministries, denominations, churches, educational institutions and other tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations



GuideStar’s mission is to revolutionize philanthropy and nonprofit practice by providing information that advances transparency, enables users to make better decisions, and encourages charitable giving. They encourage nonprofits to share information about their organizations openly and completely. Any nonprofit in the database can update its report with information about its mission, programs, leaders, goals, accomplishments, and needs—for free. They combine the information that nonprofits supply with data from several other sources. They believe the best possible decisions are made when donors, funders, researchers, educators, professional service providers, governing agencies, and the media use the quality information that GuideStar provides. Those decisions affect our world today and will continue to affect it for generations to come.


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