Who We Are

Hello! Thank you for being interested enough in Hope Haven that you made your way this far into our site.

The place you are investigating is a remarkable one, and that truth goes back long before me. Since I started in the summer of 2017, I have been struck by a simple fact: there is something special about Hope Haven. So much good is happening here that it’s a challenge to convey it all. Our scope is too much to put into a soundbite. In one breath we can talk about someone having a job in the community because of this place, and in the next we can talk about the thousands of wheelchairs we send all over the world. People have homes, counseling, and mobility because of Hope Haven.

If I want to prove our worth, I’m tempted to cite the size of our budget, the success of our Double HH Manufacturing division, or the square miles of our service area in Iowa and Minnesota. But, every day, our worth is proven in much smaller ways—interaction by interaction. I see that worth on the faces of our employees offering dignified care, and, more importantly, I see it in the faces of the people we serve.

Our tagline is three words that say a lot about who we are: “Faith. Community. Possibilities.” We begin with faith in our God who loves beyond measure. We exist in community. And, together, we are people of possibilities. So are you. Thank you for taking the time to learn about what we’re up to, and welcome to the community of Hope Haven. We’re thrilled to have you.

Matt Buley

Chief Executive Officer