Who We Are

Heritage Society

The Heritage Society recognizes people who have placed Hope Haven in their estate plans. It is one of the ways that we express our gratitude for the generous stewardship of God’s people.

Membership is by written affirmation of your estate gift. By joining, you ensure the future of Hope Haven and provide training and support opportunities for generations to come.


Heritage Society members are kept informed of annual happenings within Hope Haven.

If you have designated Hope Haven in one of the following areas, and you are not a member of the Heritage Society, we’d value knowing your commitment to Hope Haven, and we’d like to be able to honor your support through our Heritage Society.

  • A specific provision by Will
  • Assignment of Life Insurance or IRA
  • A Living Trust assigned to Hope Haven
  • Creation of a Charitable Remainder Trust
  • A property gift with life estate reserved
  • Purchase of a Charitable Gift Annuity or Gift Agreement

Emeritus Members

A special sector of our Heritage Society is dedicated to “Emeritus Members” – – supporters who have passed away and left a designation in their estate to Hope Haven. These members may have been originally enrolled while living, or may have been enrolled by a family member, after their passing.

For More Information, Please Contact:



Director of Development

(712) 476-3126