What We Do

Employment Services

Employment is an important facet of a person’s life; it is not only a way to make a living, but also a way to make friends, meet social needs, and contribute to the community. Hope Haven’s Employment Services support people in obtaining and maintaining employment in their communities.

Available Services

  • Employment Planning Services are utilized to help a person explore career opportunities and identify job interests, aptitudes, and abilities to guide employment choices. Through this process, supports that will assist the person to be successful in on the job are identified.
  • Job Placement Services provide job development and placement services to individuals who are seeking integrated, competitive employment in business and industry in Northwest Iowa and Southwest Minnesota. Jobs in the local labor market are developed for individuals based on their interests, skills and abilities.
  • Job Support Services (also known as job coaching) are provided by a Job Coach to assist a person in maintaining his/her job in the business/industry. These services are provided in direct support to the person or indirectly on behalf of the person. The amount of support is tailored to each individual.
  • Group Supported Employment Services are customized small groups (enclaves) and work crews developed cooperatively with employers, providing persons served the opportunity to work alongside other workers in businesses and industries throughout Northwest Iowa and Southwest Minnesota.
  • Employee Development Services (also known as Prevocational Services and Work Adjustment Training) are time-limited services aimed at to assist the person in increasing desired work habits and behaviors. The skills taught and supports provided are not directed at teaching skills for a specific job or supported employment, but more generalized goals.
  • Facility-Based Employment (also known as sheltered employment or work activity) is designed for persons who desire employment but require intensive support and training services. Using real and simulated work, which promotes development of basic work skills and behaviors, participants learn to resolve poor work habits, low productivity, and personal problems that limit employment opportunities. Facility-based employment services are available through The Achievement Center in Worthington, MN. No longer offered in Hope Haven’s Iowa locations.
  • Vocational Consultation Services provide professional and technical advice to businesses that need information or training to increase skills or solve problems in its workforce.

Models of Service

  • Customized Employment is an intensive process that personalizes the employment relationship between a job candidate with a disability and an employer in a way that meets the needs of both. It utilizes “discovery” that results in matching the strengths, interests and unique conditions necessary for successful employment of a job candidate with significant challenges and the identified business needs of an employer. A successful job match both improves the efficiency and productivity of the business, and increases the diversity of the company.
  • Individual Placement and Support (IPS) is the evidence-based practice of supported employment for persons with serious mental illness. IPS is different from other types of supported employment in that employment services to an individual are integrated with his/her mental health treatment. The IPS model requires commitment and cooperation among Mental Health Provider, Funder, and Employment Service Provider. All three participate in training on the model, and are engaged in continuous quality improvement. This ensures that the partners adhere to IPS principles, providing the best opportunity for individuals with mental illness to not only find a job but also to continue receiving the job supports that help them to keep the job.
  • Double HH Manufacturing is a highly sophisticated manufacturing industry operating as an entrepreneurial enterprise. Located in Rock Valley’s Westview Industrial Park, Double HH Mfg. produces and distributes agricultural equipment hardware components and specializes in contract machining for numerous businesses throughout the United States. Individuals with and without disabilities are hired as employees of the business. This integrated work setting offers individual job related supports to persons with disabilities who may require support to maintain employment.