Community Living
Hope Haven provides a variety of community living services and supports in Iowa and Minnesota including but not limited to: home-based habilitation homes, waiver homes, residential-based supervised community living for children, supported community living drop-in services for children and adults. In Minnesota, this includes supported living services, in home support, and foster care and respite for children and adults.
Foster Care
This service is only available in Minnesota.
In Home Family Support
Provided to a person and his/her family in the family's home and/or in the community to enable the person to remain in or return to the home.
Residential Care Facility
These services are offered at Redwood Court, 12 bed adult homes in Rock Valley, IA.
Supported Community Living
(For Children & Adults) Services for adults and children who live in their family home or individual home throughout counties in Northwest Iowa. Each person utilizing this service has the support of staff to provide skill training to help them achieve their goals.
(For Children & Adults) This service is designed to give a person’s primary caretaker a break from their caretaker responsibilities. This can be provided in the home of the persons served or in the home of the respite provider.
Supported Living Services
Available in Southwest Minnesota in homes that usually have 3-4 people living together. The people served determine how they want to run their homes (ie: who cooks, cleans, spend leisure time) and each person creates a Coordinated Service and Support Plan.
Waiver & Home Based Habilitation Homes
The persons served determine how they want to run their homes (i.e. who cooks, cleans, how they want to spend their leisure time). Staff supports them in these decisions based on each individual’s plan to help them achieve their goals.
Residential-Based Supervised Community Living
Serving children ages 8–19 years old that have intellectual disabilities and/or mental illness, emotional, and behavior disorders.

These services enable individuals with a variety of behavior disorders, disabilities and mental illnesses to participate in the community with the highest possible degree of personal autonomy. These services are person centered and include opportunities to engage in community life and receive services in the community to the same degree as individuals who do not receive services.
The goal of the services listed is to teach basic living skills through naturally occurring interactions so that individuals receiving these services can increase their independence and skill set. In addition to our positive interaction style, individuals have formal goals in a proactive treatment plan. This treatment plan is developed by the individual and their team and addresses areas that the individual has identified as important to them.
Naturally occurring teaching opportunities include, but are not limited to; cooking, cleaning, laundry, budgeting, medication management, managing appointments, and socialization. In all of these services, everyone that chooses may participate in employment or another day program throughout the week. Hope Haven provides these services in many counties throughout Northwest Iowa and Southwest Minnesota.
For Admission information, please contact Manager of Admissions at 712-264-2035.
Foster Care
Under the CADI waiver, an adult age 18 or older may use the waiver service of adult foster care when the scope of services assessed and identified in the support plan exceeds the scope of services provided through the foster care payment rate paid from the person’s assessed resources and the Group Residential Housing rate.
This service is only available in Minnesota.
For Admissions information, please contact Amanda Russell at 507-825-0039.
In Home Family Support
These services are provided to a person and his/her family in the family’s home and / or in the community to enable the person to remain in or return to the home. This includes training of the person and their family members to increase their capabilities to care for and maintain the person in the home.
For Admission information, please contact Manager of Admissions at 712-264-2035.

Residential-Based Supervised Community Living (RB-SCL)
We serve children ages 8–19 years old that have intellectual disabilities and/or mental illness, emotional, and behavior disorders. We utilize a multidisciplinary approach to meet all the needs including psychological, physical, emotional and social relationships. We provide a safe, structured, supportive, and nurturing environment in which young people learn to make effective choices, strive for great independence and establish healthy relationships.
We focus on skill building activities in living, social, interpersonal, recreational, and community integration. The young people receive education and vocational services from the local school district. We connect the child to needed health and mental health services in the local community. Our goals are to improve the child’s psychological and emotional health and overall functioning, reunite the child to their home if possible, and assist the child to learn new skills to be as independent as possible in the community.
For Admission information, please contact Manager of Admissions at 712-264-2035.
Residential Care Facility for the Intellectually Disabled
Funding for this service is ID waiver and is regulated by the Department of Inspections and Appeals. These services are offered at Redwood Court, 12 bed adult homes in Rock Valley, IA. The persons served determine how they want to run their homes (i.e. who cooks), cleans, how they want to spend their leisure time. Staff supports them in these decisions based on each individual’s plan to help them achieve their goals. Staff also provides instruction and support in helping each individual learn the skills needed to achieve the goals they have identified in their individual service plan.
For Admission information, please contact Manager of Admissions at 712-264-2035.
Funding options for this service include several of the HCBS waivers.
This service is designed to give a person’s primary caretaker a break from their caretaker responsibilities. This can be provided in the home of the persons served or in the home of the respite provider. Individual Respite is provided to adults and children in many counties in Northwest Iowa and Southwest Minnesota. Group Respite is offered in Northwest Iowa at several locations.
Respite clients abilities and behaviors are on a large spectrum, and paricipating families benefit greatly from having a reliable and trained staff member to provide this break. Respite offers peace of mind that their loved one will have adequate care in their absence. Respite increases family relationships by not only allowing parents and siblings to have a break, but offering the ability to attend another child’s activity or event without interruptions or not being able to be there altogether. Satisfaction surveys from parents and guardians indicate that this is a very valuable service to them, with comments on how the break is appreciated and allows them to keep their families together.
For Admission information, please contact Manager of Admissions at 712-264-2035.
Supported Community Living (SCL)
Funding options for this service include several of the HCBS waivers and Habilitation Services. Hope Haven provides these services to adults and children who live in their family home or individual home throughout counties in Northwest Iowa. Each person utilizing this service has the support of staff to provide skill training to help them achieve their goals.
For Admission information, please contact Manager of Admissions at 712-264-2035.
Supported Living Services (SLS)
Hope Haven provides these services in Southwest Minnesota in homes that usually have 3-4 people living together. The people served determine how they want to run their homes (ie: who cooks, cleans, spend leisure time) and each person creates a Coordinated Service and Support Plan. Staff support them in making these decisions and give needed instruction to helpthem achieve their set goals.
For Admissions information, please contact Amanda Russell at 507-825-0039.
Waiver and Home Based Habilitation homes (3-5 persons)
Funding options for this service include the ID waiver and Habilitation Services and are located in many communities throughout Northwest Iowa. These homes serve individuals like any other community home. The persons served determine how they want to run their homes (i.e. who cooks, cleans, how they want to spend their leisure time). Staff supports them in these decisions based on each individual’s plan to help them achieve their goals. Staff also provides instruction and support in helping each individual learn the skills needed to achieve the goals they have identified in their individual service plan.
For Admission information, please contact Manager of Admissions at 712-264-2035.