
Team Building Experiences: Escape Room

By now most of you have probably heard of the “escape rooms” offered in Sioux Falls and other places as a fun activity for families friends and co-workers. The premise? Get locked in a room with your nearest and dearest with a puzzle to solve before time runs out. I’ve wanted to try out this activity since I first started hearing about them so when Life 96.5 announced they were giving away chances for non-profit organizations to participate in the mobile version of “The Escape Unit ” I registered the Orange City office in a heartbeat.

And we won!

Two short weeks later our Community Living team sat outside The Escape Unit trailer enjoying a delicious lunch courtesy of the Pita Pit (also part of the winning package) before it was our time to enter. We didn’t know what to expect because the puzzles for escape rooms vary; sometimes they involve reaching a distant object with only the tools you are given decoding a cipher determining the lock combination or as it turned out in our case defusing a (make-believe) bomb.

Our mission which we were happy to accept was to get through all the clues to diffuse the explosive and save our town from destruction. Luckily my group and I are no strangers to challenges surprises and problem-solving. We approached each task with enthusiasm intelligence and a sense of humor. Despite our best and brightest efforts however were ultimately unsuccessful in disarming the bomb in time (sorry Orange City). 

The larger lesson was obvious: the escape room reminded us what strengths we each brought to the team how to lean on each other when needed and how to laugh when the best efforts went awry. While it’s unfortunate we had to blow up our lovely hometown in the process it was a great experience that helped us grow as a group—and one I would recommend to any organization or family looking to strengthen connections and have a little fun.

We ended the day with Culver’s ice cream (concrete mixers seemed appropriate). 

Huge thanks to Life 96.5  Pita Pit and Culver’s for a day none of us will soon forget. And thankfully the town of Orange City escaped unscathed.

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