
The Right Direction

In this blog we share what DSP & Shuttle Driver Robin loves about her job. Robin has been an employee out of Worthington MN since 1989. Keep reading below to learn more about Robin in her interview!

How did you come to be in your position? Did you seek it out or fall into it by happy accident?

I was looking for a job 30 years ago and saw the ad in the newspaper.  I thought it would be fun.  I really did not know what I was applying for or had any idea about what I would be doing.

What gifts do you bring to your role?

I am a pretty patient person and just by doing my job I am making a difference in a persons life.

What lessons have you learned since working at Hope Haven?

Just gained a better understanding that everyone wants to be treated as an individual and if you do that you will be better received.

What is your favorite part of your job?

In the mornings when I pick them up their day is sort of determined by that first interaction.  I always try to greet them with a smile and engage them in small talk to get their day started off in the right direction.  I also often times redirect them in a different direction if they had not had a good start at their home or apartment.  This is also quality time before the work starts. 

What is your favorite part of your workday?

Observing the employee being able to independently complete a task and master a skill that I trained them in. 

What’s the hardest part of your job?

Trying to be fair and equal with everyone that I supervise and meet their needs/demands but also getting the work done in a timely manner.

What is your day not complete without?

Knowing that the workers are safe and happy.

If you were training a new team member what advice would you give them?

To be patient and do not judge.  Everyone is an individual and are here for a reason.  Look for the worker’s strengths and focus on those and work around them.  Forget about the weaknesses. 

Name three things on your bucket list.

1. Get out of debt before I retire

2. Spend the winter months down south.

3. Open a cat shelter.


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