
My Choice Milestones

September 1 2019 marked the six year anniversary of My Choice Employment.  Two significant milestones were achieved this past summer. My Choice assisted its 300th person in obtaining competitive employment.  In addition My Choice surpassed 500 jobs obtained by persons it has served. Statistics through the six year history include: 

  • 311 people became employed  
  • 532 jobs were obtained 
  • 238 employers  in 30 NW Iowa communities hired individuals served 
  • 141 jobs were entered by individuals coming from sheltered workshops 
  • 140 jobs were customized 
  • $8.53 average hourly starting pay  
  • 79% retention of competitive employment  
  • Staff has grown from 2 to nearly 40    

“Hope Haven Inc. began developing the concept of what became known as My Choice Employment in 2012 ” said Scott Witte Director of Employment Services. “Key to its development and growth have been the partnerships developed at the regional and state levels with Sioux Rivers Region Northwest Iowa Care Connections Region Iowa Coalition for Integration & Employment Iowa Employment 1st Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services Iowa Medicaid Enterprise managed care organizations and Northwest Iowa employers.” 

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