
Meet Isabella

Hope… Is there a current shortage of it? Is it conceivable that the voices we hear around us are more concerned with fear than with hope? Fortunately, our faith serves as a constant reminder that even though this world isn’t our permanent home, it is still in our Heavenly Father’s tender care, and we can put our trust in His unfailing love and protection. Thanks to God’s blessings and the faithful support of friends like you, over 137,604 people have celebrated hope because Hope Haven provided them a wheelchair!

June 1, 2023, was a special day of rejoicing for Isabella and her family as they were finally given the opportunity to have the life-changing experience they had been waiting for! Isabella, a four-year-old from San Jose, Costa Rica, was born eight weeks early and weighed just under 2 pounds. When she was born, there was little hope for life, but by the grace of God, she made progress until she was a year old. It was discovered she had no muscle tone. At age 2, she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.

While Isabella’s parents seek to give her everything necessary to thrive, they couldn’t afford a wheelchair. According to the World Health Organization, nearly 1 billion people around the world live with disabilities, and 90% of them don’t have access to the mobility equipment they need. Without a wheelchair, Isabella spent a lot of time at home, missing out on socializing with her peers, the opportunity to attend school, and the possibility of attending church.

From HHIM and supporters like you, God has opened up a new way to help meet Isabella’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. As therapists and wheelchair technicians worked to ensure that Isabella’s new wheelchair fit properly, teaching her for the first time how to use her hands to push the wheel… happy tears were streaming down her parents’ faces as they could now see a brighter future for their daughter. Clearly seeing the God’s love every time they look at Isabella’s wheelchair, knowing love always protects, always perseveres, and never fails.

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