
Hope Haven Clinicians Learn Advances in Trauma Related Research

The Hope Haven Clinical Team had the unique opportunity to attend a 2-Day live webcast trauma conference. Bessel van der Kolk MD presented on Trauma with Healing.

Dr. van der Kolk is the world’s leading expert in the field of traumatic stress and best known for his New York Times best selling book  The Body Keeps the Score. Dr. van der Kolk is  professor of psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine and  medical director of the Trauma Center in Boston where he also serves as director of the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress Complex Trauma Network.

Hope Haven’s Clinical Team was able to learn about the neuroscience of traumatic stress and gain a better understanding of mind-body treatment approaches. Clinicians were able to learn about the latest trauma related research and recommended interventions. The team enjoyed the chance to consider new ways to identify and treat trauma and found the experience to be a valuable opportunity.

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