

Today’s blog comes to you from Direct Support Professional Desmond. Keep reading to get to know Desmond and why he love his Hope Haven job:

Every individual we serve is different. Every person on the Hope Haven team is different. We at Hope Haven work to celebrate those differences while bridging the gap between the individuals we serve and the community. Joining Hope Haven means you will become an important piece in this objective.  

First: I’ve always been someone that is ministry minded. I believe that my faith should be incorporated in everything I do. At Hope Haven I am able to put my faith into action through the way I interact with my fellow employees as well as the individuals we serve. We unfortunately live in a world that isn’t always kind to what we don’t understand. However my position allows me to show the individuals we serve the love grace and mercy that overflows my heart and through my work.

Secondly: I am never bored at this job. If you are doing your job correctly you are met with challenges goals and different scenarios every day. The personality spectrum of the individuals we serve as well as the employees are as colorful as a box of crayons. We have fun we share ideas and experiences and we genuinely work to create an environment that is safe and entertaining for all.

Thirdly: You are more than just an employee. More than just a number. More than just a spot filled. We love to see each other succeed and bend over backwards to make sure that happens. Through our trainings staff meetings and online courses your skills will be honed; your strengths increased and your weaknesses developed. From first day of employment you are valued and we make sure you feel it.

Still interested in Hope Haven? Have questions? Do not hesitate to check us out at or ask someone you know that is on our team. We are everywhere. Thank you for taking the time to hear me out. Come on over to Hope Haven. You won’t regret it.

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