
Pathway to Employment: My Day Updates

Our “My Day” program (formerly known as “Day Habilitation”) is designed to enable an individual to enrich his or her life and enjoy a full range of community engagement by providing opportunities for developing enhancing and maintaining competency in personal social and community activities.

The Iowa Department of Human Services recently made an amendment to the rules governing  Day Habilitation. The purpose of this was to clarify that day habilitation services may provide a pathway to employment. The amendment clarified that activities provided through day habilitation to assist members in participating in the community developing social roles and responsibilities and increasing independence can now also  include the potential for employment. These new rules went into effect Feb 1 2021.

All staff providing My Day services will now complete additional training in adherence with the new rules. Our staff have completed training in the areas of person centered planning job readiness skills and community inclusion. Examples of  employment driven activities include: Volunteering for non profit organizations connected to potential career interests workplace visits/tours soft skill development (dressing for work social interactions at work time management) and community integration experiences to support fuller participation in community life.  

We want to continue to think work for all members participating in the My Day programs and that those having aspirations to work will be able to have that dream realized.  We strive to be an outcome focused program and that outcome supports a person to become a valued member of the community or part of a community group or leads to a volunteer opportunity or leads to employment.  

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