
Hope Haven Heroes: Amanda

Today we’re introducing you to just one of our many Hope Haven Heroes. We are acknowledging these staff members for going above and beyond during the pandemic. They have volunteered to work in Hope Haven community living sites that have tested positive for COVID-19. And these are not the only heroes – over sixty staff have volunteered to help out in this way if needed. We are so grateful to their dedication to the people that we serve. Keep reading to learn more about Amanda and why she is a “Hope Haven Hero”.

Amanda McKee  – Direct Support Professional

How long have you been with Hope Haven?

1.5 years 

How did you make the decision to help out in homes that have tested positive for COVID?

“Just knowing that other homes needed help encouraged me to do it.” 

“Our clients have remained in good spirits despite the restrictions. Some clients do not understand the reason for the quarantine that has been a challenge. Together we can get through this.” 


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