
2021 Golf Benefit Winners

We are excited to announce the results of our Golf Benefit on Wednesday June 16. Thanks to everyone who participated and helped to make this event a great success! 32 teams participated and enjoyed a day of golfing out at the Dakota Dunes Golf Course in Dakota Dunes SD. See below for the winner list:


#1 – Adam De Ruyter Scott Hausink Jim Schrer Jacob Faber

#2 – Nathan Bakker Mike Broek Les Van Roekel Justin Beukelman


#1 – Joyce Van Engen Karen Kooima Sue LeLoux Kay Vis


#1 – Beth Roesler Matt Abel Anna Limoges Stefan Szwarc

#2 – Deb Gacke Tarra Gacke Dave Kineroth Jae Ho Sim

Pin Prizes

Longest Putt Made – Jason Statema

Closest to the Pin – Kallen Mouw

Mens Longest Drive – Josh Kempers

Ladies Longest Drive – Tarra Gacke

Closest to the Pin – Martin Bruder

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